Mounting the Orchids

By | December 31, 2019

Vanda orchids are epiphytes; they grow attached to the tree trunks or branches in a tropical rain forest. Many of their roots hang down without touching the forest floor.

The orchidarium is too small to grow trees in, so I used cork rounds, cork show grade and ghostwood. I attached the ghostwood branch to a piece of left-over egg crate so that it can stand upright on its own. However I think I would now use wood as a base instead, since it has less chance of tipping over.

Initially I hung the orchids from the polycarbonate top so that they would experience less stress after transit. Once they were settled, then I ran the watering system to soften the roots so that I could mount them on the branches. Hopefully over time the roots will attach themselves and be more steadily fastened.

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